

This is a blog about adventures.   

The roads so heavily traveled

The roads so heavily traveled

I've been on the road for almost two weeks and while almost every minute was enjoyable, it feels good to be back in my own bed, cuddling with my own dog, and enjoying food out of my own kitchen.

My Instagram feed for Lizard Chinchilla and my personal account are decorated with cityscapes, food porn and selfies. No gnomes, however. 

I am still processing so much of what I saw and what I learned from West Palm Beach to Manhattan to Philadelphia. I have entries I want to write and I am also working on some freelance assignments and I confess that I am still learning to juggle a to-do list and a timeline in this new occupation as boss lady. 

I do think I found a niche for this space and I am exploring my options for what that will look like. It will incorporate travel, food and women's wellness, of course. But the best advice I ever learned as a writer is "write what you know." And what I know is that all those things travel, food and wellness, mean something different to women at various life stages. 

My nest is empty, my body is changing and my priorities are shifting. I am preparing to live the second half of my life without regret or apology and I think there are plenty of other women who are in the same spot.

That's the road I want to travel. 

A slice of New York

A slice of New York

Working with what you've got

Working with what you've got